
Kalio Ayam

Kalio Ayam is a version of Chicken Curry Indonesian style, a typical dish from West Sumatra, an island famous for their bursting flavours of fragrant spices mixed in thick coconut gravy. This is the Land of the Curry for us, Indonesians. Most of the dishes are medium spicy, well... compared to those dishes from Menado, another island in Indonesia, which mostly are smothered in red serrano chilies, or those stinging-on-the-tongue green chilies, then yeah... west sumatran food are considered mild enough.

* Chicken thighs, depend on sizes, 5-6 pcs
* 2 pcs turmeric leaves (can be omitted)
* 2 stalks of fresh lemon grass, pounded
* 2 pcs bay leaves
* 6 pcs kaffir lime leaves"
* 2 cm galangal root - roast in naked flame till fragrant
* 2 cups instant coconut milk or desiccated coconut

Ingredients into food processor:
* 6 pcs red chilies or 1 tbs chili powder
* 8 pcs shallots
* 5 pcs garlic
* 2 cm fresh turmeric - roast in flame till fragrant
* 2 cm fresh ginger - roast in flame too
* 5 pcs candlenut - also roasted

Cooking Directions:
1.) Squeeze a lemon & rub on chicken with it, set aside
2.) Stir fry processed ingredients in 2 tbs oil until fragrant
3.) Add kaffir lime leaves, lemon grass, galangal root, bay leaves
4.) Stir in chicken till lightly cooked, add coconut milk & some water
5.) Add salt, pepper, sugar. Cook until the chicken is tender
6.) Serve with sprinkles of fried shallots

* Paha ayam bgn atas, tergantung ukuran 5-6 potong
* 2 lembar daun kunyit (aku gak punya)
* 2 batang serai, memarkan putihnya
* 2 lembar daun salam
* 6 lembar daun jeruk
* 2 cm lengkuas, bakar sampai harum
* santan kara & kelapa kering sangrai

Bumbu Halus:
* 6 butir cabai merah besar buang biji
* 8 btr bw merah
* 5 siung bw putih
* 2 cm kunyit, bakar sampai harum
* 1 sdm ketumbar
* 2 cm jahe, juga dibakar
* 5 btr kemiri, bakar juga deh

1.) Lumuri ayam dengan air jeruk nipis, diamkan sebentar
2.) Tumis bumbu halus, masukkan daun jeruk, serai, lengkuas, masak sampai harum
3.) Masukkan ayam, masak sampai ayam berubah warna
4.) Masukkan santan, masak sampai ayam lunak, kuah mengental
5.) Sajikan hangat dengan taburan bawang goreng

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